Why does my UUID say null?

This sometimes happens with newly registered accounts. Your EMconnect app/ page needs to be refreshed. 

Please completely log out of EMconnect. To log out of EMconnect:

  • Option 1: from the quick access tab bar at the bottom of the page, tap ‘Menu’. From the menu list select 'Account', then ‘Settings’ and scroll down to Logout.
  • Option 2: from the home screen, tap on your profile picture, then select 'Settings' and scroll down to Log out. 

Don't see the profile picture on the home screen? Please update your app by visiting the App Store or Google Play.

Once you have logged out of EMconnect, clear your cache (swipe away any open pages) before logging back in.

NEW FEATURES available: Updated home screen with easy access to Account, Credits & Badges, Search, Tasks, Top Ranked Leaderboard, Must Haves, Hot Topics and Explore More. To access these features, update your app today!

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